Design Fine Arts Photography

“Painting Air” by Spencer Finch

“Painting Air”, by Spencer Finch: Click to see video

I recently saw an installation at the RISD Museum of Art entitled “Painting Air” by Spencer Finch and was mesmerized.

Finch was inspired by his visit to the water gardens created by Claude Monet at his home and studio in Giverny, France. Finch was struck by how the water was always in flux as a result of shifting air currents and conditions of light.

Walking along the perimeter of the room, visitors can see through the dozens of suspended glass panels to the overlapping squares of colors, inspired by the color palette of  Monet,  painted on the walls along the perimeter of the installation beyond the glass. The air currents created by your movement through the exhibit gently rotate the glass panels causing them to sometimes reflect the colors throughout the room. The effect is both ethereal and sublime. Wow!

Design Fine Arts Painting

Tour Guide for the Eye

Pilgramage in the Roman Campagna

As a visual communications designer and artist I am interested in the relationship between design and fine arts.

On a recent trip to Italy to study painting and sculpture, I was struck by how much the frescos of the 13th century painter Piero della Francesca and the paintings of Caravaggio relate to the work I do as a designer of marketing communications. I know you’re thinking “too much vino rosso for Paulo,” but hear me out.

These guys were hired guns, charged with communicating (non-verbally I might add) the content of some well-heeled and very influential clients (the Catholic church) who had a specific story to tell about their product (Catholicism) to their target markets (church-going folks). And to do so in some really large spaces, and at times, difficult working conditions.

I admire their work for many reasons, one of which is the strength of the design.

Fine Arts


“A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.” – Cezanne


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