My 8th grade daughter, Amelia Rose, and her classmates are headed to Washington DC for the bi-annual King Open School 7th and 8th grade trip to the nation’s capital. And like most schools, they are always looking for ways to raise money for the trip. My friend, fellow parent and Cambridge artist, Janet Malenfant, and I decided to host a series of fund-raisers at my favorite Cambridge pub, Atwood’s Tavern, to raise money for the trip. To raise awareness and to create some buzz about our efforts, I created a logo for the trip and branded it as KO2DC. The logo, buttons and posters we created for the event were a big success and we raised over $1,200 dollars towards the cause.
I never get tired of witnessing the positive influence good design has when it comes to these kind of grass root events or bigger company product releases. It is exciting to see other people excited by design and see it move them to action. -PK